"You talk as if a god had made the Machine.. Men made it, do not forget that. Great men, but men. The Machine is much, but it is not everything. I see something like you in this plate, but I do not see you. I hear something like you through this telephone, but I do not hear you. That is why I want you to come. Pay me a visit, so that we can meet face to face, and talk about the hopes that are in my mind."The machine stops - 1909 - Forster

Friday, February 26, 2010


This week we're speaking about school. You love school, don't you?
Well, click on the links below to learn more about School in England.
What does a school look like in England? Take a virtual tour!

And what about a typical school day? Do English students wear a uniform?

Read about school life for a 13-year-old British boy.

Ok, you've been reading a lot of things about English school and students. Now, choose 10 new words and/or interesting facts you've learnt and write them on this wallwisher!!! Click on the wall "post a sticky" , the wall will open ...then you can click anywhere and write on a sort of post-it note. Have fun!!!

I've taken the words you've written on Wallwisher and I've made a "cloud"
( actually, it should be heart-shaped ) using Tagul. If you click on the words you'll be directed to the site of the English school. Have a try....


Anonymous said...

Hi teacher!!! I'm Eleonora from 3 B...
First, I must say to you I can't open the waalwisher: when I click on it, it says to me "Impossibile aprire il sito Internet http://themachinegoeson.blogspot.com/2010/02/trinity-course-class-III-lesson-6.html. Operazione terminata"... But must I do the hommerwork on the wallwisher??
Anyway I have read the link and I have learnt...
_In all classroom there are a computer, an overhead projector, an interactive whiteboard and flip chart.
_There is a small groups area.
_There are 32 computers in all the school
_They use hall for Gymnastic, assemblies, eating lunch.
_In this school there is a choir.
_For students of Primary school the school starts at 8:55 am.
_Every day the students of Primary school go to an assembly and they listen a story, sing a song and pray.
_There are lunch time clubs.
_The students have crafts' lessons.
I've also learnt new words, like
_Assess= valutare, giudicare
_Pray= pregare
And also other words...!! = ]
Ok goodbye
By Ele xx96

Daniela Tomatis said...

Hi! Pity you can't write on the wallwisher...Have you tried clicking on "post a sticky"? Anyway, it doesn't matter..you've learnt a lot of things..

Anonymous said...

What good activity!!!!=)
I adore the wallwicher.... =)=)=)=)=)...
F A N T A S T I C !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

commented by Valentina Amato =)

Anonymous said...

Hi teacher, I'm Noemi from 3B. I can't open the wallwisher... but I don't know why....
what Do I????? so, I am sad..............
at tomorrow=D
Goodbye NOE

Daniela Tomatis said...

Don't worry..be happy!!! :)
Just take the virtual tour and learn about English school..
see you

Daniela Tomatis said...

Hi Valentina!! I'm happy you like wallwisher.
I love it too!! :)